8 Stages of Intimacy

January 24, 2010 lifewithoutpoverty

The Stages of Intimacy are a guide. Relationships like most elements within each of our lives are dynamic. At times your relationship will have all or most of the stages present. At times one or several may fall to the wayside. The best way to use the stages is as a checklist for yourself. If your relationship seems to be faltering, stagnant or unfulfilling, reviewing the stages will help you pinpoint the problem. Once you identify the problem, you have the ability to solve it.

If you are dating and looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, the stages are invaluable. First, they will make you postpone sexuality until you can satisfy your curiosity about a mate through 6 stages. Secondly, they will allow you to isolate poor relationships objectively as you venture into each new stage. Most divorces and poor relationships could have been avoided through the stages. What many find out about each other over years, a savvy dater can discover within six to seven months, well before I do becomes I don’t. Through the stages, you can avoid heartache by helping yourself discover what is missing and what is causing problems. Stick with the stages and you will gain satisfaction, love and a close intimate relationship unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

This guidance is not new for Thai culture. We have been taught about smart ways to find the right person and to have succesful love relationship for so long. But many people nowadays ignore them, it’s the reason why our society are facing lots of problems from sexual relationship and poor quality families. The people are enjoying what I call.. “fast food relationship” even more and more. In my opinion, that kind of poor quality relationship is a short time happiness after that it can bring about lots of problems for themselves, families and our society as a whole. But when they enjoy, it’s only for some of them (or two of them). It’s unfair for society to become victim from their irresponsible behaviour! It’s kind of “REAL SOCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY”.

So now, let’s go ahead with the 8 stages of intimacy (for good quality & successful love relationship!)

Stage I :  Physical Intimacy

Covering Looks, Etiquette & Charisma

Stage II : Aesthetic Intimacy

Covering Arts, Style, Culture & General Compatibility

Stage III : Recreational Intimacy

Covering Shared Interests, Sports & Hobbies

Stage IV : Intellectual Intimacy

Covering Hopes, Fears, Opinions & Beliefs

Stage V : Spiritual Intimacy

Covering Morality, Ethics,
Shared Existence & Shared Goals

Stage VI : Emotional Intimacy

Covering Feelings, Trust, Security & Safety

Stage VII : Sexual Intimacy

Covering Touching, Sexual Liberation, Physical
Contact, Romance, Copulation & Procreation

Stage VIII : Unconditional Love

Covering Love & Support
without Strings, Expectations or Regrets

The details of each stage..to be continued:)

Entry Filed under: Love & Relationships




January 2010

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